Fundación MAPFRE’s 1st Call for +Rural Grants within the framework of the ESF+ is now open

From June 23 to August 18 you can apply for Fundación MAPFRE’s +Rural Grants, co-financed by the European Social Fund Plus (ESF+), the main European instrument for investing in people, with the aim of revitalizing the rural environment and so-called Empty Spain.
To this end, these grants will focus on promoting the socio-labor inclusion of the rural population in vulnerable situations, as well as promoting equality and the opportunity for access to quality, sustainable and affordable services, including healthcare and long-term care services.
All social entities and Social Economy companies wishing to participate must have projects oriented towards caring for, assisting and supporting the reintegration of disadvantaged groups in rural areas such as, for example, people with disabilities, the unemployed, people with reduced mobility, or the elderly in a situation of unwanted loneliness at high risk of isolation and cognitive deterioration.
This national initiative has a budget of 30 million euros to be channeled until 2027, of which the European Social Fund Plus (ESF+) will provide 20 million euros and Fundación MAPFRE will make its own contribution of 10 million euros through various calls for proposals.