Anti-Fraud Measures

Notify us of any incidents

Notify us of any incidents

Home > European Social Fund Plus > Anti-Fraud Measures

Fundación MAPFRE offers this specific channel for the communication of any complaints, grievances, reports and/or suspicions of fraud related either to the grant awarding process, to the activities co-financed by FSE+, or to non-compliance with horizontal principles. For this purpose, the following e complaint form is available.

Facts may also be reported through the Spanish National Anti-Fraud Coordination Service (Servicio Nacional de Coordinación Antifraude; SNCA), which reports to the General Intervention Board of the State Administration of the Ministry of Finance and Public Function, through the website

If you file a report with this body, and in order for Fundación MAPFRE to follow up on it, we request that you also inform us through the reporting form we have provided for this purpose.

Cofinanciado por la Unión Europea
Ministerio de trabajo y economía social
Fondos Europeos
Fundación MAPFRE