Comprehensive education for all!

Developing Communities is our international development cooperation program aimed primarily at children and young people at risk of social exclusion.

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Have you heard about our project? We created it because Fundación MAPFRE believes that everyone has the right to comprehensive education so that they can to develop fully as individuals. We are targeting the people who are our future.

Developing Communities encompasses cooperation projects in the fields of education, health, nutrition and access to the labor market, aimed essentially at children and young people. We currently have more than 100 projects operating internationally.

The educational program is one of the cornerstones of the project. It is run in conjunction with the Organization of American States (OAS) and offers downloadable material on the website designed for working with students. The aim of the program is to develop students’ skills and competences in order to reduce school dropout and failure rates.

But these are not our only projects! We have also set up a MAPFRE Community in Santa Fe, Mexico, to help the local population. These facilities provide educational and health care as well as a canteen, the aim being to cover all the basic needs of disadvantaged families living in the area.

This year we are running the fourth edition of the The Future in Our Hands storytelling competition in 18 countries. The objective is to encourage reading and writing among young people.

However, we realize that we cannot do all this alone. Since last year, we have organized various calls for cooperation projects whereby social organizations and NGOs that have a project aligned with the Developing Communities program can secure grants to help them develop it.

We put a huge amount of effort, hard work, enthusiasm and dedication into this program because we know the outcome is important. More than that, we believe it’s vital.

If you’d like to join the Developing Communities program and find out more about our activities, click on