S.O.S. Respira is also saving lives in Colombia

Our campaign to prevent deaths from choking has arrived in this Latin American country

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Medical professionals know this all too well. Although in the vast majority of cases obstructions tend to be minor, in certain cases someone who is choking can go into cardiopulmonary arrest due to a lack of oxygen and die.

Therefore, the prestigious Fundación Clínica Shaio in Colombia has joined up with our  S.O.S. Respira campaign to help prevent deaths by choking. This clinic wants to publicize the importance of prevention, such as, for example, not allowing small children to play with small toy parts that they could swallow or not letting them run with food in their mouths, as well as the need to learn what to do if someone is choking. Dr. Gilberto Mejia, the Clinic’s managing director, highlights how useful the S.O.S Respira app is and points out that in a few simple steps it teaches you what to do.

Choking in adults is more associated with meal times and therefore famous chefs such as Harry Sasson, Koldo Miranda and Estefanía Borge have joined the campaign to become its first ambassadors as of 21 May. They hope to spread the message to their colleagues working in bars and restaurants so that they too become aware of how important it is to know how to to perform life-saving maneuvers and can therefore prevent their customers and visitors from losing their lives due to a lack of rapid and appropriate help.

They tell us all about it in this video. Don’t miss it.