Safe Driving Infographics

Tips in infographics

Tips in infographics

They say that a picture is worth a thousand words which is why we have designed this section so that, in a very visual way, you can clear up all those queries you may have about an illness or medication and its consequences for driving, or about how to prevent accidents. If you prefer advice by video, our experts will tell you everything you need to know in a clear, simple and direct way. If what you prefer is a graphic format in which all the information appears at a single glance and you are able to download or print it then visit our infographics section.

38 infographics

Effects of alcohol on the driving

Effects of alcohol on the driving

The importance of vision to conducting everyday activities is widely understood and is of particular relevance when it can affect the safety of others. One such activity is the driving of motor vehicles, for which strong physical and mental skills are essential. Undoubtedly, vision is the most important physical factor for the driving of motor vehicles, and the lack of vision cannot be replaced or supplemented in any way.

Tips to prevent and treat jet lag

Tips to prevent and treat jet lag

Jet lag, also known as circadian rhythm sleep disorder and rapid time zone change, is a physiological imbalance that occurs when traveling across different time zones because our internal clock (which controls the periods of sleep and wakefulness) is slow to adjust to the new schedule.

Arthritis and its negative impact on driving

Arthritis and its negative impact on driving

Arthritis is the inflammation of one or more joints, which are the areas where two bones come together. The joints allow us to bend our limbs to make movements, such as bending the arms and legs, grasping large objects and holding small objects.

Mild stroke

Mild stroke

Strokes are one of the most common neurological diseases. The global incidence in Spain is estimated at between 150-250 cases per 100,000 inhabitants/year, making strokes a major social and health problem. Driving after having a stroke is possible, but it must be done under control.