Montserrat Guillén Estany

External Member of the Fundación MAPFRE Board of Trustees

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Monserrat Guillén Estany - Member of the Board of Trustees of Fundación MAPFRE External

Personal details:
Name and surname: Montserrat Guillén Estany.
Date and place of birth: 25 January 1964 in Barcelona.

Degree in Mathematical Sciences from the University of Barcelona.
Master in Data Analysis from the University of Essex (UK).
Doctorate in Economics and Business Administration from the University of Barcelona.

Main positions:
Member of the Fundación MAPFRE Board of Trustees (since May 2015).
Professor at the University of Barcelona (since 2001).
Honorary Visiting Professor at the City, University of London (since 2015).
Numbered academician of the Royal Academy of Economic and Financial Sciences of the Institute of Spain (since 2015).

Previous positions:
Chair of the European Group of Risk and Insurance Economists (from 2010 to 2012).
Visiting researcher at the University of Texas at Austin, USA (from 1993 to 1994). Université de Paris II (1993 to 2017) and University of California Berkeley (2018).
Distinction ICREA Academy (from 2012 to 2016 and 2018 to 2023).

Other positions:
Co-editor of the North American Actuarial Journal (since 2015).
Editor of the journal ASTIN Bulletin – The Journal of the International Actuarial Association (since 2009).
Editor of the journal Insurance, Mathematics and Economics (since 2017).
Editor of the journal Annals of Actual Science (since 2020).
Honorary Member of the Col-legi d’Actuaris de Catalunya (since 2012).