Celebrating 50 years of transforming lives!

The positive impact we have had on society reaffirms our commitment to people

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50th anniversary

In the 50 years since we started our activities, we have seen great achievements and social progress firsthand. We have also witnessed difficult times, injustice, humanitarian catastrophes, and even a pandemic that brought the world to a standstill. Throughout all this time, we have been guided by our defining values: solidarity, hard work and effort, we have focused on promoting safety, supporting education, boosting health and fostering culture and inclusion.  Each and every action we have taken has had a common goal: to generate opportunities and support thousands of people at key moments in their lives.

Thanks to the tireless efforts of all the people who have formed part of Fundación MAPFRE, in this time we have managed to invest:

But when it comes to taking stock of the last five decades, it is not actually the figures that are important, but the stories behind them. Our greatest motivation is knowing that the more than 1.1 billion euros we have invested over this period have transformed the lives of more than 179 million people. For all these reasons, we feel:

  • The satisfaction of having been present at every stage.
  • Gratitude for having been able to count on committed people like you.
  • The thrill of continuing to write this story together.

Thank you for being part of half a century of solidarity.

Allocated by activity type (1975/2025)

Social Aid316.0727.70 %
Art and Culture288.8425.32 %
Awareness and sensitization program (key life lessons)191.6716.80 %
Research170.6614.96 %
Educational Programs165.4014.50 %
TOTAL1,140.87100.00 %

million euros

Number of beneficiaries by activity type (1975/2025)

Art and culture14,568,386
Education and awareness146,392,900
- Educational programs43,271,958
- Awareness and sensitization programs103,120,942
Social aid15,198,991
Training and teaching activities (conferences, seminars, etc.)250,000
Publications and magazines1,342,000

Let’s make it another 50 years building a more humane future!