Touch, open, look: a magazine for the senses

In the first issue of la fundación we take a walk with journalist Jon Sistiaga

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We are launching a new current affairs magazine, la fundación, featuring wide-ranging and cross-cutting content, interviews and reports on the world in which we live, for an audience interested in culture and the challenges of our society.

We believe in paper and that is why we have chosen an A3 format, which you will have to spread out across a table; because images need space to communicate their message, and we want our readers to share the physical experience of touching, opening and looking at them.

We want to be a benchmark in the cultural and social sphere, and we want each issue of our magazine to be a unique object to keep and enjoy.

In the first issue of la fundación we talk to journalist, writer and entrepreneur Jon Sistiaga who shares with us his moment of personal and professional fulfilment. Now over 50, the reporter continues to bring new ideas to journalism while continuing to pursue his other two passions, gastronomy and music.

If you would like a copy, you can purchase la fundación in our exhibition halls.