Social Projects in Colombia

Laudes Infantis Foundation: learn to build

Social and productive enterprises to change lives

The projects “School for leaders in social and productive enterprises" and a community program to improve opportunities for the most disadvantaged.

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Completed Project

The Laudes Infantis Foundation, with the support of Fundación MAPFRE, runs the project “School for leaders of social and productive enterprises” whose objective is to develop the respect and exercise of Human Rights and the Environment, governance, social strengthening, and the promotion of business schemes and access to employment.

The program takes place in neighborhoods on the outskirts of Bogotá such as Bella Flor, San José de los Sauces and Arrayanes, where poverty and unemployment rates are highest. In total 140 members of these communities, among them children, young people and adults, benefit directly from this training and psycho-social care which offers the necessary tools to a population hard hit by the country’s structural violence following 50 years of war, so that they can build life projects which will allow them to overcome the vulnerable conditions in which they find themselves.

Through its actions, the Laudes Infantis Foundation uses the practice of bartering as a strategy to bring dignity to each of the members of the communities who contribute and receive depending on their capabilities and needs, something which boosts their self-esteem in a direct manner. In total, 500 members of these communities, including children, young people and adults, benefit from the program through which families receive training or food resources in exchange for providing some sort of service. The program is based on three fundamental pillars: community strengthening, training and education, and generation of income. 

The Laudes Infantis Foundation has been working since 1999 to transform the lives of the inhabitants of the most disadvantaged neighborhoods of Bogotá through various training programs and projects to raise awareness.