Education and nutrition for 1,200 children in Huehuetenango and San Juan Sacatepéquez
The whole community involved in the fight against malnutrition

Completed Project
When everyone participates in the fight against malnutrition in their children, the results are more evident. In Huehuetenango and San Juan Sacatepéquez, the World Vision International Foundation has launched a project involving community volunteers actively working to reduce malnutrition and child mortality.
Through educational processes with the Community Health Committees and the Guiding Mothers, the lives of the children and their families are improved and positive parenting and early stimulation are reinforced.
With the Community Health Committees, activities are programmed that can generate a change in behavior regarding health, hygiene and nutrition issues, which are introduced in the schools.
The Guiding Mothers are trained to make home visits to pregnant women or women with children under two years of age to provide advice on malnutrition and prevent infant and maternal mortality.
In addition, Early Stimulation Centers have been created where not only are children supported in their education but Food Preparation Workshops are given in which families learn to use the resources available to them to offer their children a healthier and more balanced diet.
Together we can reduce child mortality. The World Vision International Foundation is working to achieve this.