Social Projects in Nicaragua

Nuestros Pequeños Hermanos in Nicaragua promotes the comprehensive development of children and young people in a rural area

NPH offers 320 vulnerable children and young people the opportunity to change their lives.

The NPH school accommodates 320 vulnerable young people and offers them the opportunity to change their lives

Home > Social Action > International Social Projects > Nicaragua > Nuestros Pequeños Hermanos in Nicaragua promotes the comprehensive development of children and young people in a rural area

Current Project

Of the 5.4 million young Nicaraguans aged between 15 and 24, 60% are not in the education system (36% work in low-paid jobs and 24% neither study nor work). This situation is aggravated in rural areas by the lack of school infrastructures, the shortage of materials available for teachers, and the scarcity of teacher training.

The children and young people in the Santa Teresa municipality (Carazo Department) live in a rural area where poverty, vulnerability and social risk are rampant, and are suffering from this situation of educational insecurity. On top of this, most can barely afford even a few years of schooling as they are forced to start work at an early age to help support their families.

NPH Nicaragua offers these children, who do not have the opportunity to study in other schools due to the poverty and marginalization of their environment, an education so that they can not only enter the workforce, but also find better paid jobs. Education is the key to improving their future.

The project is developed in the NPH Nicaragua school, “Casa Padre Wasson”, which includes two school buildings (infant/primary and secondary/high school), an area for vocational technical workshops, a clinic, a therapy and play area, a multi-purpose room, sports and recreational facilities (soccer, basketball and athletics), a farm and a growing area with three greenhouses.

Here, 273 children and young people (under 18 years old) receive primary and secondary schooling, 12 adolescents and young people (15 to 22 years old) are trained in vocational workshops, and 35 young people (over 18) attend university. All of them are provided with nutritional and medical cover.

However, in addition to boosting their future employability, NPH encourages the development of positive leadership skills and teaches them values and social awareness so that they can help to improve their own communities.

NPH is committed to the comprehensive development of each child, so that they can break the cycle of poverty in which they live and create an impact not only on themselves, but also on their families and their community.