Social Projects in United States

Academy of the Pacific Rim seeks to strengthen educational leadership in the US

Improving students’ emotional well-being improves their academic and social performance

Improving students' emotional well-being improves their academic and social performance

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The APR is convinced that students’ socio-emotional well-being and academic performance are connected. This is why it seeks to develop a strong sense of belonging and community in students by creating a strong school structure, as well as involving their families.  The goal is to achieve an inclusive and supportive environment that fosters academic success and personal growth. 

The organisation focuses special attention on teachers. The most critical challenge facing schools in the United States is that of leadership, especially in schools located in under-resourced areas. In these, the impact that a teacher can have on the students is almost twice as much as in schools that have no funding problems. Up to 50% of principals often resign after three years in charge of a school, and the key to the problem lies in the lack of consistent leadership skills. For this reason, APR programmes also emphasise the importance of providing these resources to heads of schools.