Fundación MAPFRE helping those affected by the Dana

We continue to support the people who have lost everything

Help those affected by DANA

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Since the flooding of October 29, 2024, devastated several towns in the province of Valencia and destroyed the lives of thousands of people in its wake, we have been supporting the people who have lost everything, through organizations working directly on the ground.

Initially, in the emergency phase, the goal was to get essential items and food to the most vulnerable groups. Then, we focused on meeting the basic needs of the affected families, while also offering our support to micro-enterprises and businesses. In total, we have allocated 800,000 euros to a range of social entities. This is a list of the entities, the purpose of the aid, and the groups we have reached:

Caritas ValenciaBasic necessitiesVulnerable groups
World Vision ValenciaBasic necessitiesVulnerable groups
Fundación Altius ValenciaBasic necessitiesVulnerable groups
Fundación Secretariado GitanoFood cardsVulnerable groups
Casa Caridad ValenciaBasic necessitiesVulnerable groups
Fundación Mensajeros de la PazAid for logistics centersVulnerable groups
Family SupportHot food for people affectedVulnerable groups
San Vicente de PaúlHousehold appliances and goods for the homeVulnerable groups
CesalRecovery of food micro-enterprises,
local shops, bakeries
Vulnerable groups
Acción Contra el HambreDistribution of family payment cardsVulnerable groups
Aldeas InfantilesSupport for children and families in the recovery phaseChildren and families
Fundación EDUCOSupport for children and families in the recovery phaseChildren and families

These twelve associations, who we are supporting in their work in the area, have been focusing their efforts on covering the most urgent needs of the population, carrying out various actions aimed at supporting the victims. World Vision Valencia, in collaboration with Diaconía and local churches, has distributed food, water and basic necessities to 1,000 people affected in Horta. Fundación Altius Valencia has also coordinated the distribution of basic necessities and has been handling the logistical costs associated with the emergency, while Fundación Ayuda una Familia has been on the streets distributing hot food to the people affected. Fundación Mensajeros de la Paz has focused its efforts on distributing food, clothing and water, establishing distribution points in the affected areas and working with the NGO REMAR to coordinate long-term aid, and Cáritas Diocesana Valencia has been tending to the immediate needs of the most vulnerable groups.

Fundación Acción contra el Hambre has activated a multipurpose solidarity card program so that affected families can access the resources they need. And Fundación EDUCO has adopted a similar approach, offering cards to cover basic needs and guarantee greater flexibility in terms of how they can be used.

Fundación Secretariado Gitano has also distributed emergency cards and offered financial and psychological support, as well as help filling in forms for financial aid.

The Sociedad San Vicente de Paúl has also been offering emotional support and material aid, in Picanya, helping to clean and repair homes and organizing recreational activities for children, as well as offering psychological and social services.

Finally, Casa Caridad Valencia and Aldeas Infantiles have addressed the long-term issue by providing housing solutions, home restoration, direct social assistance, school supplies and training grants for affected individuals.

To boost the recovery of businesses, CESAL has been promoting the “Renacer Panadero” (Bakery Reborn) project, which focuses on reopening local shops, particularly bakeries, in collaboration with the Valencia Bakers’ Guild, with the aim of restoring the economic and social fabric of the affected communities.

We know that only by working together can we pave the way to recovery. That is why, from the very beginning, we have supported the people affected by the Dana flooding. And we will continue to work alongside them, so that they know they are not alone, so that they can regain hope.

Because together we are stronger.