Research Scholarships: what are they and what is their academic and social importance?
Find out about the call for Ignacio H. Larramendi research grants

What are research scholarships?
Research scholarships are an excellent opportunity and a very useful tool for students and professionals to explore and do research in different academic and study areas with the aim of acquiring new knowledge that can contribute to the advancement of society, science and technology. These scholarships can lead to innovative and revolutionary research that can mark a turning point. They are, without a doubt, a unique opportunity to obtain funding for research projects and to be able to collaborate with colleagues in pioneering research with the same objective: the development of new ideas and theories.
The importance of research scholarships in academia
Research scholarships are an essential tool for developing science and technology around the world. They enable young researchers and scientists to pursue innovative and cutting-edge projects that would otherwise be impossible to fund. These scholarships also encourage the exchange of knowledge and experience among researchers from different countries and cultures, contributing to the creation of a more united and collaborative global scientific community. In short, research scholarships are an important investment for the future of humanity and for the advancement of knowledge in all fields.
At Fundación MAPFRE we are aware of the importance of supporting researchers and scientists and, for this reason, every year we launch a new call for our Ignacio H. Larramendi Research Grants.
Types of research scholarships
These financial aids may be granted by public or private entities. Depending on the field of study and the project to be carried out we can distinguish between pre-doctoral and post-doctoral research scholarships. The former are for PhD students who want to write their doctoral thesis. The latter are for researchers who already have a doctorate and want to do further research in their field of study.
Besides these, there are research scholarships for short stays, which finance temporary research stays in other study centers or universities, and grants for specific research projects in different areas of knowledge and innovation.
Research initiation scholarships
Research initiation scholarships are a type of award aimed at promoting access and exposure to research by university students. Their purpose is to enable undergraduates to take their first steps in research, usually by carrying out supervised research work. They are generally awarded to students with a high level of academic achievement.
What are the differences between research fellowships, grants and scholarships?
These three terms are sometimes confused. Firstly, research scholarships are generally merit-based, i.e., they are awarded if the student or researcher meets a series of requirements and achieves a high score on the scale indicated for each case. They are generally aimed at undergraduate students, to finance their advanced studies and research.
In contrast, fellowship grants are awarded to young researchers to support their careers at universities or research centers.
On the other hand, research grants are used to finance specific projects or activities. They are funds allocated to support specific research projects. Innovation grants boost development.
How to apply for the different types of research scholarships and fellowships?
In general, interested parties must participate in the application process by filling out a form and submitting all the documentation requested by the entity awarding the scholarships or fellowships.
It is important to provide all the information requested and to give as much accurate and detailed information about the research project and how it will contribute to the advancement of knowledge in the area and what it will deliver.
In addition, it is usually necessary to attach the resume of the people who will be participating in the research, letters of recommendation and a letter of motivation stating why they are the best candidates to receive the scholarships or fellowships. Sometimes a personal interview is also required to assess the candidate’s capabilities.
Who can apply for a research scholarship?
Research scholarships can be applied for by undergraduate, master’s and doctoral students, as well as by young researchers and professionals who wish to carry out research.
Normally you must meet a series of requirements established by the entity in charge of granting the scholarship or fellowship such as: have an excellent academic record, be enrolled in a university, provide detailed information on what the research consists of, how it will be carried out and what is expected to be achieved, successfully pass a personal interview or have letters of recommendation, among other things. It is important to show all the documentation in a coherent way, emphasizing the usefulness and importance of doing the research.
All the information is usually detailed in the scholarship call of the entity or institution. Scholarships are usually awarded on the basis of criteria such as family income.
Funding for research projects
Funding for research projects comes from both public and private sources. In the private sector, it is important to highlight companies and institutions, of any size, and non-profit organizations, which seek to contribute to scientific and cultural progress. The government also offers scholarships and fellowships for research projects.
These “competitions” are publicly disclosed, offering the greatest possible transparency in their awarding, establishing a period for submitting applications and the required documentation, and having a panel of experts involved in the awarding of this funding. All this is duly detailed in the call for proposals and on the respective websites, where a scale can also be included to detail each of the different requirements.
Different types of funding sources
Funding sources can be government entities, non-profit organizations and private companies, among others. They are public when the entity granting the funding is a governmental or administrative entity. Examples include the different ministries, the government itself and public universities.
They are private when they concern private companies and firms seeking to contribute to scientific and social development. On many occasions, these grants are awarded as part of their commitment to Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR). We should also mention the non-profit organizations that also grant this type of funding.
How to obtain funding for research projects
It is vital to be aware of the funding calls in order to be able to choose the most appropriate one.
One of the ways to obtain this funding is by participating in public scholarships granted by the Government and the Administration, which usually have funds earmarked for scientific and technological research. This is the public route, where public universities are prominent.
Private companies and institutions tend to invest in projects with a practical application in the market that can bring significant economic and social benefits.
Non-governmental organizations and foundations are also essential and a determining agent. They support research projects in specific areas, such as health, the environment and education, as well as other fields. In short, these are priority areas that seek to contribute to social welfare.
Finally, it is important to highlight international funding programs such as those of the European Union and others that promote academic exchanges to encourage collaboration between researchers from different countries and fields.
Impact of research scholarships
The contribution of this research to the advancement of science and society is undeniable, and in many cases the work could not be carried out if it were not for these scholarships. Innovation funding encourages achievements in academia. Many of the well-known advances in science are due to research scholarships.
Benefits for students and young researchers
With this funding, university students and young researchers have the financial and material resources they need to carry out their research. On the one hand, researchers can develop and dedicate themselves to the research that interests them in search of the desired goal. On the other, researchers have the opportunity to share knowledge, broaden their experience and concerns in the academic field with colleagues and experts in the subject. Undoubtedly, the professional and personal gratification of achieving the objectives set and the contribution that this research can make to society and science are the greatest achievements.
Academic and professional development
Research scholarships for university students or researchers, and fellowships and grants for researchers are an excellent opportunity for professional and academic development. It should be emphasized that joint collaboration between researchers means an increase in labor and social relations, with all that this implies for the future and development. Of course, achieving breakthroughs and innovations that have a significant impact on science and society means professional recognition and achievement. The advances achieved can be of major significance and mark a turning point.
In addition, researchers broaden their training and knowledge, as well as their specialization in specific areas of expertise.
The work carried out and the achievements obtained are of particular relevance for the professional and academic development of the researchers, as well as for future research in that specific field.
How do research scholarships promote social change?
There is no doubt that research scholarships offer a number of advantages for society as a whole. Thanks to this funding, research can be conducted that would otherwise be difficult to carry out. They also contribute to the scientific and technological advancement of society and encourage collaboration between institutions and countries to achieve this. Their purpose is to contribute to science and welfare.
Innovation and technological development
A great deal of today’s innovations and technological developments are the result of research work, much of which has been achieved through research scholarships. Breakthroughs in disease detection, therapeutic treatments and progress in the fight against climate change are just some of the progress that has been made and these are still priority areas for further work.
Solutions to social and economic problems
Much of the research funding that is awarded is aimed precisely at providing effective and realistic solutions to current social and economic problems.
One example of this are our Ignacio H. Larramendi research grants, which are awarded regularly and which are aimed at researchers or research teams from the academic and professional spheres so that they can carry out research projects related to health, insurance and social welfare. In total, 265,000 euros will go towards developing these projects in universities, hospitals, companies, research centers or on an independent basis.
It is also worth highlighting the Fundación MAPFRE Social Innovation Awards, which aim to recognize and provide 40,000 euros of funding for projects that provide solutions to real problems, including safe and sustainable mobility, the silver economy, and improvements in health and digital technology.
Tips for preparing a successful application
A good application includes meeting the deadlines and submitting all the documentation detailed in the call for applications in due time and in the correct form. In this regard, a good academic record and letters of recommendation are very important points to consider.
It is essential to be specific and clearly explain what the research consists of, the different processes involved and the final objective.
In is therefore important to present all the documentation in a coherent way, emphasizing the usefulness and importance of carrying out the research, always using appropriate specialist language.