ASD de Patos offers educational support in Brazil and works to strengthen children and young people’s rights
Educational and social support for children and young people who have special learning and socialization difficulties, and who are victims of rights violations and discrimination

Current Project
Social context of the socio-educational project
Since 1956, Acción Social Diocesana de Patos in the state of Paraíba, has been working in close collaboration with the most disadvantaged communities in the region. This organization works closely with children and young people in situations of risk and social vulnerability, providing them with complementary training and educational activities that allow them to fully develop their potential.
They are all provided with the means to benefit from formal schooling and participate more, seeking economic alternatives with their families and the community as a way of preventing the violence to which they are exposed and preparing them to exercise their citizenship rights.
Goal of the educational space in Brazil
The children and young people supported by this socio-educational project belong to socially vulnerable families living in very precarious conditions; they are usually school children with specific educational support needs. The communities with which this organization works are located in one of the main routes for the sexual exploitation of children and young people in the country.