Bringing education to the children of Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazil
Acaia Pantanal provides schooling for 60 children cut off by the rising waters of the Paraguay River

Completed Project
In Mato Grosso do Sul, on the banks of the Paraguay River, live many families that, due to the annual rising waters, are left isolated for many months. Public services do not reach here, and the riverside population lives in extremely vulnerable economic conditions and suffers from low social development, which entails a high rate of illiteracy.
In this situation, children and young people, who are far away from schools, work to help with the subsistence of the family and grow up on the margins of society, without studies or social skills.
Under these circumstances, Acaia Pantanal decided to carry out activities with the aim of encouraging human and social development that is also compatible with respect for the environment. Through a school that alternates boarding school periods with periods without attendance, it ensures that young people have access to a formal education, in addition to opportunities for emotional growth and social integration.

The Jatobazinho school is accessible only by boat or plane, like the areas where the riverbank population lives, and to transport its students it has 6 boats.Its facilities include classrooms, a library, kitchen, laundry and student and teacher dormitory, in addition to several sports facilities. Given the isolation of the region, the school has various communication systems to remain in constant contact with its headquarters in Corumbá and São Paulo and to offer the students guidance and assistance in case of emergency.
Acaia Pantanal, in addition, organizes actions with the families to promote healthy habits and environmental preservation.