Hogares BAMBI strengthens the potential of early childhood in Colombia
Comprehensive care and personalised monitoring of children from 2 to 5 years of age

Current Project
For a large percentage of families living in the area where Fundación Hogares Bambi works, women are solely responsible for the household, assuming all expenses.Some of them are teenagers or very young mothers with more than one child. As for families with fathers, the latter usually have low-income, unstable, informal jobs. In other cases, there are families with cases of abuse and family violence, consumption of psychoactive substances, sale of narcotics or with members of criminal gangs.
In this context we find families displaced by violence, mothers that are unemployed, street vendors, sex workers or recyclers, among others, who have to go on the streets in search of daily sustenance. Some children are exposed to dangerous situations in their own homes, which proves a lack of protection and adequate resources. In some cases, they also suffer from the absence or neglect of adult caregivers.
For all these reasons, the Hogares Bambi foundation offers comprehensive care for children from 2 to 5 years of age based on three main areas:
- Nutrition and Health: nutritional assessments are carried out regularly and 70 per cent of their diet is adequately covered. Nutritional supplementation is also provided for children who require it. In addition, the foundation fosters children’s right to health by carrying out promotional and preventive efforts.
- Education: children are offered meaningful experiences in learning environments that foster interactions with their peers, educational agents and their environment.Hogar Bambi uses a constructivist methodology.
- Psychosocial support: networking activities that promote and strengthen safe and protective environments. The foundation encourages children and their families to participate in these activities to promote dialogue, solve problematic situations and learn to respect differences.
Fundación MAPFRE supports this project that conceives children as growing and developing persons with rights and commitments to themselves and to others.We believe it is particularly important that children are offered comprehensive and personalised care, according to their physical, emotional and intellectual potential in different areas: healthy living, potential development, citizenship, personal and family empowerment.