Projects for education, development and integration

Located on the isthmus of the same name, which links North and South America, its privileged position and the existence of the Panama Canal have had a decisive influence on the country’s development. It is currently the Latin American country with the highest economic growth. With our support, different projects are being carried out in the country.
4 projects
Food, education and health with the project A ray of light for Cañazas and Ñurum
Walk several hours to school on an empty stomach. This is a daily reality for many children in the Ngäbe Bugle region. The Panamanian Pro-Childhood Association strives to change their lives through a balanced diet, quality education and health care.
Transforming underprivileged young people into active citizens
The “Brindando protección, crianza y educación a niños y adolescentes sin familia o cuya familia no tiene capacidad de hacerlo (Providing protection, nurturing and education to children and adolescents without families or whose families are unable to help them)” project from the Ciudad del Niño association (Panama) offers protection, care and development opportunities for young children at the center, based on their age and abilities.
Voces Vitales de Panama is working to improve the future of adolescent mothers
The Las Claras program prevents girls who have become mothers from dropping out of school and involves their families in order to break the cultural pattern that perpetuates the cycle of poverty and social exclusion.
Sports as a way of escaping from high-risk situations and preventing social exclusion
The Panama Social Sports Schools project’s main aim is to strengthen and promote the integration of its beneficiaries and to provide them with overall training, particularly in values.