© Paz Errázuriz, 2022
Paz Errázuriz’s commitment toward the struggle for human rights meant that numerous social events that took place during the Chilean dictatorship were captured by her camera. In the series Protestas [Protests], to which Mujeres por la vida [Women for life] belongs, the author documents instances of resistance against the military mandates endured by Chileans in the 1980s. Errázuriz travels through the city with her camera defying the militarized environment and trespassing the protective threshold of the home.
The image portrays a woman holding the silhouette of a figure from a cardboard cutout with a name written on it; the name of one of the hundreds of detainees who disappeared during the dictatorship. The demonstration pictured is one of the peaceful events carried out in public by the “Mujeres por la vida” collective, a group created in 1983 by women from a wide range of ideological orientations and social classes whose objective was to end the regime and demand gender equality. The photographer, who participated in many of their activities, portrays the tensions and dynamics present during those years offering a feminist perspective of the struggles.
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