KBr Flama’24

OCT.11.2024          JAN.26.2025

Pan, pijo y habas, 2021-in progress

Malu Reigal​
Pan, pijo y habas, 2021-in progress
© Malu Reigal



OCT.11.2024        JAN.26.2025


KBr Photography Center
Avenida Litoral, 30 – 08005 Barcelona

KBr Fundación MAPFRE hosts the fourth edition of its annual initiative to support young talent, KBr Flama’24. The exhibition showcases the works of laura aranda lavado (Granollers, 1994), Estefania Bedmar (Cerdanyola del Vallès, 1989), Malu Reigal (Murcia, 1992), and Alain Rojas Pastor (Esplugues de Llobregat, 1987), who are launching their professional careers after completing their studies at IEFC, Escola d’Art i Superior de Disseny Serra i Abella, Elisava-Facultad de Diseño e Ingeniería de Barcelona and Idep Barcelona, respectively. The review of the proposals submitted by the different schools was conducted by Carles Guerra, Silvia Omedes, and Arianna Rinaldo.

Through various creative processes, including analog and digital photography, experimental development, manipulation of archival images and video, the selected works explore the memory of territories and objects, family heritage, and the photographic language itself from an auto-ethnographic perspective. The exhibition opens with En el patio de mi casa, where Estefania Bedmar examines the re-signification of public spaces as private and emotional spaces, based on a study of the old Can Planes rubbish dump. It continues with Yo también quise ser Robert Capa, pero no hacer sus fotos, a project in which laura aranda lavado explores her relationship with the photographic medium through the compilation and editing of images from her personal archive. In Pan, pijo y habas, Malu Reigal reflects on family mandates and relationships of affection, focusing on the implicit masculinized dimension she finds in the breeding and training of racing pigeons. Finally, Vestigia, by Alain Rojas Pastor, centers on objects as vehicles of memories and emotions, offering a reflection on memory, loss, and the passage of time.

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