A recipe for employment integration
Carme Ruscalleda in My Cooking Skills

Social Action
Sandra Sànchez, Biel Arbós, Marc Font and Marina García, students of the Escola d’Educació Especial Xaloc have proved their skills in the kitchen under the guidance of one of the great restaurateurs of our country, Carme Ruscalleda, who holds seven Michelin stars.
The imposing setting of the Carme Ruscalleda Cooking Studio, the former Sant Pau restaurant in Sant Pol de Mar, didn’t intimidate our young chefs who rose to the challenge of cooking a monkfish “Romesquet” recipe.
Under the supervision of our chef, the students prepared the romesquet sauce (based on almonds, hazelnuts, garlic, parsley and ñora peppers), to accompany a juicy and tender monkfish.
Don’t miss the video that we will publish soon, which was filmed respecting social distancing and prevention measures recommended by the COVID-19 situation. In addition to the four students and our famous chef Carme Ruscalleda, Joaquim Teixidó, representative of Fundación MAPFRE in the area, and Mònica Maya, director of the XALOC Special Education School, participated in the event.
This gathering is part of the initiative Mis capacidades cocinan hoy, (My cooking skills) under the program Juntos Somos Capaces (Togehter we are capable), an initiative that aims to give visibility to the skills and talents of the disabled, as well as to share videos to cook and try the delicious recipes at home.
Follow the steps of our cooks. We dare you to make a monkfish “Romesquet”.