Fire Prevention

Discover our Fire Prevention Week

We show people how to protect themselves

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The 20th edition of Fire Prevention Week, our awareness-raising program to inform the general public about the risks of fire and provide basic training on how to act in the event of a fire, kicks off once again. This year we will be visiting a number of different locations throughout Spain.

Every year thousands of people fall victim to fires. At Fundación MAPFRE we work hard to prevent this from happening, reaching out to the public, especially the most vulnerable, including children, to teach them how to prevent fires and act in the event of having to deal with one.  We want homes, schools and workplaces to be safer places.

The best way to prevent fires is to educate the youngest members of society. That is why we have developed the Fire Prevention Week activities aimed at the whole of society, focusing on the most vulnerable people. We will be visiting many towns and cities, collaborating with the local fire prevention services. In collaboration with the Professional Association of Fire Technicians (Asociación Profesional de Técnicos de Bomberos; APTB) and with the participation of 30 Spanish Fire Services, we aim to train the population in basic self-protection knowledge. This will enable them to recognize the risks of fire that may exist in the home, in schools, workplaces and leisure centers as well as in other environments. We teach people how to act in risky situations and how to avoid them. With us, schoolchildren will learn about fires, how they can get out of control, the preventive measures to take and what to do if a fire cannot be prevented.

If you want to practice how to get out of a house in the event of a fire, if you want to learn how to use a fire extinguisher or how to put out a fire, be sure to take part in the planned activities.

If you want your school’s Primary students from 3rd to 6th grade to learn how to prevent fire and how to act in the event of a fire, send a request via the email address and click here to find out about the places we will be visiting in 2025.

This initiative, which we have been running for 20 years together with the APTB and thanks to the collaboration of the local Fire Prevention and Extinction Services, has become a global benchmark in fire prevention and self-protection campaigns.