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La Fundación magazine: an experience to remember

La Fundación magazine: an experience to remember

On the occasion of la fundación turning one, we invite you to discover a new way of reading, looking and feeling. Open the pages of our world, enjoy the art, and share the reflections of the artists, journalists and writers who, each quarter, address topics of interest selected especially for you.

It’s Earth Hour

It’s Earth Hour

Something as simple as turning off the lights for an hour may be symbolic, but it is an act of enormous value. If we all join together, we can show that our planet, the place where we live, matters to us. On March 23, turn off the lights.

Every opportunity is a door that opens

Every opportunity is a door that opens

‘Opening up Opportunities’ is the slogan of the new Fundación MAPFRE outreach campaign, which is being launched to raise awareness of the diversity and importance of the programs carried out by the Foundation and their impact on society.

The power of the mind in the aging process

The power of the mind in the aging process

Luis Rojas Marcos, a professor of psychiatry and member of the New York Academy of Medicine, inaugurated the 2022 Academic Seminar on Economics and Longevity held at Fundación MAPFRE with a lecture on the power of the mind in the aging process and the ingredients that can enhance it.

Our solidarity with Ukraine has not stopped

Our solidarity with Ukraine has not stopped

Since the outbreak of war in Ukraine, millions of people have been forced to leave their homes in search of a safer place. At Fundación MAPFRE we are striving to create an extensive network of solidarity that offers them support and reminds them that they are not alone.

Do you know how much caffeine is in your coffee?

Do you know how much caffeine is in your coffee?

Caffeine is a central nervous system stimulant, which is why many people consume it to relieve fatigue and increase alertness. But not all coffees have the same effect, as the amount of caffeine is not the same in all of them. Fundación MAPFRE would like to remind you that if you want to beat tiredness, the best recipe is rest, especially if you are going to drive; and we recommend that you consume coffee for the sole purpose of delighting your senses and giving your day a spark of flavor, enjoying this pleasant experience.

Women: real and empowered

Women: real and empowered

At Fundación MAPFRE we believe that gender equality is more than a goal in itself, it is an attitude. That is why, on International Women’s Day, we are giving a voice to three real and empowered women from our team who every day strive to make the world a better place.

71,597 steps in women’s leadership

71,597 steps in women’s leadership

The main task of an organisation with such a strong social commitment as Fundación MAPFRE is to reduce all kinds of shortcomings and promote second chances aimed at protecting the most vulnerable.

For the future

For the future

Today is a day to remember the progress that has been made in reducing inequalities between men and women. Today is International Women’s Day and I would like to add my voice to those of other women. We all have a lot to say.

A room of one’s own

A room of one’s own

The cultural sector is eminently female, or at least mine is, which is the one I can best tell you about, our team in Fundación MAPFRE’s Culture area.

Health travels by boat

Health travels by boat

For many of the people living in the heart of the Amazon rainforest – the world’s largest – it is impossible to get an antigen test, an essential tool in the fight against COVID-19. This first Scientific Mission managed to conduct more than one thousand tests between August 3 and 25.

More antigen tests in September

More antigen tests in September

Despite being a vacation month, the testing facility at the Wizink Center carried out more than 19,000 antigen tests on the people of Madrid in August. The success of this initiative has encouraged us to extend the service through to September 30.

Start up your own Community Foundation

Start up your own Community Foundation

If you’ve got an idea for improving the lives of people in your community, or if you think you can find a solution to local problems, you now have a great opportunity to start up a Community Foundation that promotes initiatives of common interest.